25 May 2023
75th Anniversary Celebrations
School Social - Thrift Shop
Student Absences
2023 Year 6 Transition Days
Important Dates
Essential Emails
From the Principal - Kevin Barnes
From Christine Timms - Assistant Principal - Religious Education
From the Business Manager –Ros Giuliano
Young Vinnies
Extra Curricular Activities
Student Care Insurance - Information Sheet
What's Happening in the Parish
Around the District
75th Anniversary Celebrations
If you wish to add your name to the mailing list for when events are announced, visit www.gilroysm.catholic.edu.au/about/75th-anniversary-celebrations/
School Social - Thrift Shop
Student Absences
2023 Year 6 Transition Days
Transition Day 1
Important Dates
Essential Emails
Yr 7 & 8 Pastoral Leader: | Mrs Erin Cerutti | |
Yr 9 & 10 Pastoral Leader: | TBA | |
Yr 11 & 12 Pastoral Leader: | Ms Demae McMahon | |
Assistant Principal - Religious | Mrs Christine Timms | |
Acting Assistant Principal - Pastoral: | Ms Maddyn White | |
Deputy Principal: | Mrs Melissa Carr | |
Principal: | Mr Kevin Barnes |
From the Principal - Kevin Barnes
Dear Families,
I strongly believe that the partnership between parents/caregivers and the College is critical in achieving set goals and improving opportunities for our students. The College aims to complement and build on the work of the family so that all students can pursue their future dreams and affirm their sense of belonging.
As well as the school, parents and carers have a powerful influence on their child's educational outcomes through their values and beliefs. To support these opinions, I ask parents and caregivers to take the opportunity to complete the Parent Feedback Survey which was circulated recently via email. All families would have received a link to complete the Parent Feedback survey.
I encourage all parents and carers to complete the survey which provides the College with valuable feedback in a range of areas. Please be aware that the survey closes on Wednesday 31 May 2023.
In recent years, a concerning trend has emerged among young people that has gained significant attention worldwide – vaping. This modern-day challenge has prompted the College to address the issue head-on and raise awareness about its potential risks.
We are working closely with the College Board to formulate strict guidelines which prohibit vaping on campus and outline the consequences of breaching the guidelines. By providing clear guidelines and consequences, we create an environment that discourages the use of vaping devices and provides clear expectations of how this matter will be managed at Gilroy Santa Maria College.
Below I will provide valuable information on vaping, its dangers, and steps we can take together to combat this harmful habit.
Understanding Vaping:
Vaping refers to the use of electronic cigarettes or other vaping devices that heat a liquid and produce an aerosol, which is inhaled by the user. Initially marketed as a safer alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes, vaping has become a serious public health concern, especially among adolescents. Many teenagers mistakenly believe that vaping is harmless, but that belief is far from the truth.
The Risks of Vaping:
Vaping has been linked to numerous health issues, including respiratory problems, lung damage, and an increased risk of developing serious lung diseases like EVALI.
Most vaping devices contain nicotine, a highly addictive substance that can lead to dependency. Nicotine addiction not only affects the brain's development in adolescents but also increases the likelihood of future tobacco use.
Due to the relative novelty of vaping, the long-term consequences are still largely unknown. However, early studies suggest potential harm to cardiovascular health and an increased susceptibility to respiratory infections.
Combating Vaping:
Understanding the harmful effects of vaping is one way of educating ourselves and raising awareness about the risks associated with vaping. The College has used classroom discussions, guest speakers, and informative workshops to share information with students as we play a pivotal role in spreading awareness.
I urge parents and caregivers to become familiar with the signs of vaping, have open conversations with your children about the risks, and set clear expectations regarding substance use.
The rise of vaping among young people is a serious concern that demands immediate attention. It is our collective responsibility as a school community to tackle this issue head-on by fostering awareness, open dialogue, and preventive measures. Let us work together to create a healthier and safer environment for all our students.
God bless
Kevin Barnes
From Christine Timms - Assistant Principal - Religious Education
Since the beginning of Term 2, our College has participated in several celebrations. It is wonderful to see the students participating and leading masses and liturgies commemorating and honouring events both for the wider community and our school.
During this time, the Church is marking the end of the Easter season with the feasts of the Ascension and Pentecost. At this stage in Jesus' ministry, He called his disciples to go out into the world and preach the Good News. His time on earth was about to come to an end but it was only the beginning of their ministry. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the apostles were given the strength, courage and grace to go beyond their comfort zone and spread the message of Jesus Christ. We can’t begin to imagine what they would have been feeling when faced with the prospect of such a cause.
We, too, through the power of the Holy Spirit, have the opportunity to spread the message of Jesus. It is up to us now to have the strength to do good in our own lives, the courage to stand up for what is right and the grace to respond to God’s plan for us.
As we move towards the second half of the term when little things become big things and the stresses of exams and assessments are approaching, let us all continue to strive to be the best versions of ourselves, to be generous with kindness and compassion and with the Holy Spirit, be the presence of Jesus in the world.
God bless
Christine Timms
From the Business Manager –Ros Giuliano
Discount is available, please deduct the below amount from the statement amount.
One Child - $19.05
Two Children - $32.35
Three Children - $41.30
In accordance with the mission, values and ethos of our school, we remain committed to providing an education to all of students regardless of their financial circumstances.
BPAY is our preferred method of payment. The details are on the family statement. You can also pay weekly, fortnightly, monthly or by term by Payway, direct debit, credit card, cash or cheque.
As always, if you have any questions or queries, please contact the Principal or myself to discuss the matter. The sooner you make contact the sooner we can work together for a solution.
Ros Giuliano
Wednesday 17 May, aspiring health professionals Mia Serra and Kate Butcher had the exciting opportunity to experience some hands-on learning, exposure to and exploration of what it looks like to have a career in health.
The Townsville Hospital and Health Service High School Health Careers Program is based upon simulation education models offering high-challenge, low-risk activities that engage, impact and affirm student career pathway choices.
This program provides such valuable insight for our students and we are thrilled to provide them with such an engaging opportunity to support and explore their interests.
Getting involved in extracurricular activities is a game-changer with benefits that extend far beyond the classroom.
- Well-balanced routine: Regular weekly activities offer a welcome and productive break from study. Whether it’s getting outside to exercise, immersing yourself in nature, going to visit friends or pursuing a hobby, it is important to incorporate activities that destress and refresh the mind.
- Discover and develop your passions and talents: Join a sports team, a club, or music group - participating in these activities provides you with a platform for self-expression, a boost in self-confidence and a chance to enhance social skills.
- Sharpen your problem-solving abilities: Entering challenges and competitions builds resilience, fosters a healthy competitive spirit, nurtures your critical thinking, and teaches you how to accept both victories and defeats.
- Explore and expand: Extracurricular activities expose you to new people, new fields, new ideas, and new experiences, expanding your knowledge and opening doors to future career possibilities.
- Your resume will love you for it: Whether you're applying for a job or a scholarship, employers and educational institutions seek well-rounded individuals who demonstrate a commitment to their passions and a desire to make a positive impact. Participation in activities outside of school indicate you can perform as part of a team, you have the drive to reach and exceed goals and possess an ability to honour your commitment.
- Create memories and friendships: Whether it's bonding during rehearsals, cheering on your teammates, or collaborating with peers on projects, being part of a group or team broadens your perspective of the world, provides a sense of belonging, and an opportunity for you to interact with others with similar interests and potentially build friendships outside of your usual circle.
In addition to building skills within a specific discipline, extracurricular activities are great for developing general academic and soft skills. Think teamwork from sports participation, exam strategies from academic competitions, public speaking from debating, time management from balancing commitments.
We have a huge range of extracurricular activities available both within our School and our Shire, get out there and get involved, you won’t regret it!
Vicki Gardner
Careers Advisor
This year, Gilroy Santa Maria College is seeing records being made with the over-pouring number of Year 12 students signed up into a school-based Traineeship or Apprenticeship.
We currently have sixteen Year 12 students completing hours towards their traineeship or apprenticeship. These students receive on-the-job training points that accrue towards their QCE. An outstanding achievement for these young people.
Many students at Gilroy Santa Maria College are demonstrating a keen interest in starting their careers early while studying senior schooling. We encourage all Year 10 students to make the most of their upcoming block work experience being held Wednesday 21 June to Friday 23 June, to gain experience in various trades and industries.
Cassandra Venturato
VET Manager
Young Vinnies
Young Vinnies students do their part to give a hand up to those experiencing difficult times. Last Friday, twenty students gathered in the Gilroy Santa Maria Kitchen to help prepare meals to be donated to the HUB. The generosity of our local community makes this possible. Special mention to Frank Galipo from Galipo’s Midtown Meats, for his generous support of this project.
Last week we celebrated National Volunteers Week. It is a week set aside to acknowledge and thank the many volunteers in our community who give freely of their time for the betterment of our community. The Gilroy Santa Maria Young Vinnies students continued their tradition of baking a special treat each day for the volunteers at our Vinnies Store as a sign of our appreciation.
Rita Martin
Teacher & Chaplain
Extra Curricular Activities
Needed URGENT: More Helpers.
Start time for helpers is preferably 8:30am – 10:30am or until when you are available.
If there is any query in regards to this roster or you are unavailable please contact
Sandra Benedetto [0427 765 321] - Jodie Lino [0407 904 918]
Student Care Insurance - Information Sheet
Accidents will happen and they can be costly. Student Care is a student accident insurance policy specifically designed to help cover the costs. Please click on the link above for more details and how to make a claim.
What's Happening in the Parish
St Patrick’s, Ingham
Saturday Vigil: 6.00pm
Sunday: 8.30am and 7.00pm
St Peter’s, Halifax
Sunday: 7.00am
Canossa Chapel, Trebonne
Sunday: 10.00am
St Teresa’s, Abergowrie
Sunday: 10.00am
Parish ContactsParish Priest: Fr Damian McGrath PO Box 375, Ingham Q 4850 4776 2600 Office Hours: 9am to 12pm Monday to Friday, 1pm to 3pm Monday to Thursday |
Father Damian McGrath
Parish Priest
Ingham Region Catholic Parishes
Around the District